With so much going on in the world, education is more important than ever–which means highly efficient, well-organized schools are also more important than ever. How can you take education to the next step while maintaining security, productivity, and user-friendly? Simple: managed print.

A Perfect Fit

Managed print is a unique solution because it’s not just a “one size fits all” bandage to put over a school’s biggest pains, challenges, and worries. Instead, it’s an intuitive solution that adapts to the unique needs of the education industry and the individual school, resulting in a strong, savvy, and personalized approach to printing. Sure, managed print starts at the printer, but it creates benefits like boosted security and streamlined tasks, which, in turn, spreads out to create benefits for the entire school. Truly, managed print and schools are a perfect fit.

How it Works

Let’s take a look at managed print in action inside schools!

#1: Personalization

The first thing managed print does for schools is to create a personalized “plan” for addressing current and future needs, solving problems, and patching up holes in security procedures. This is done with the help of a print audit, which gathers data and shows everything from print habits (good and bad) to budgets to projected printing needs.

#2: Expertise

Managed print puts schools in contact with experts 24/7. No question is too small, and no challenge is too big; a managed print provider will be dedicated to helping education professionals feel comfortable and confident in their print environment.

#3: Improvements

The best part about managed print for schools is that it can be effective and flexible. Improvements can be as big or small as necessary, scheduled so that they never interrupt high-stress times in the educational community; ultimate control rests with the school itself–because, after all, who knows your needs better than you?

Want to learn more about managed print for schools? Contact us today for all the help you need!